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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Review - The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther

Review – The Heroic Boldness Of Martin Luther

I’ve said it before, and so I’ll make the statement now that I, like a good many people, tend to stay away from Biographies and Autobiographies because while the informative value is usually unequaled, the presentation is generally dry and it seems like the monotony will never end.  But I’m more than pleasantly surprised by the superb use of space by the author in the one hundred and twenty-two pages of The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther. 

In the first chapter of this book, Dr. Lawson introduces the reader to the humble beginnings of the son of copper miner Hans Luder and a devout Roman Catholic mother. The manner in which Lawson presents a brief yet complete synopsis of Martin Luther’s life is anything but dry and monotonous, which as I stated earlier is what I’ve come to expect to find in this type of work.  By maintaining the use of the same “rapid” writing style that was in evidence from the preface on, this writer doesn’t give the reader time to become bored or overwhelmed by what is actually a goodly amount of information.  In fact, I was a bit perturbed that the book ended as soon as it did, I wanted it to continue on. 

I came away from this read with the same mindset that I, as an author, work towards developing in my readers.  While without a doubt complete, this book left me with the need to do further research on the person of Martin Luther, to answer questions not raised in the book, but by the book.  In my humble opinion, this is what a well-written book or a well-delivered sermon should accomplish.

Well done, Dr. Steven J. Lawson!    



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